Sunday, October 3, 2010



  1. Many themes are visible in this collage. The fingernails show a pattern of REPETITION. This is also show with the handprints.

    Both of these also offer a lot of COLOR. The colors are bright.

    The photograph cut-outs all seem to be blurry and go into the BACKGROUND setting. Maybe they are not supposed to be emphasized. The photo of the sailboats are also blurred.

    The words all have a NATURAL element to them. First, "Think Green" shows environmental concern. The words "Healthy" and "Live" show personal concern, as well as, "Be Natural," "Feel Fabulous," and "Beautiful Hair."

    There is also an emphasis on FASHION. A skirt is pictured, a bag, a shoe, and a model holding a purse.

  2. -a lot of overlapping
    -colorful, but one side mostly black and white
    -repetition of patterns like nails and squares with hands
    -people and body parts

  3. fingernails appear as focal point.
    seems kinda girly, with fashion and woman.
    Rollling Stones is kinda of pushed to the foreground.
